The cultural pathway - Portorož - Piran
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The cultural pathway

A rich inspiration every step of the way

From the underwater activities museum and Tartini's house, to the town gallery, the Venetian heritage, the magical world of sea shells and the aquarium. Immerse yourself in the cultural legacy of the town, which lives on to this day.

Tartini Theatre
Tartini Theatre
Avditorij Portorož - Portorose Kidričevo nabrežje 6, 6330 Piran, 6320 Portorož
+386 (0)5 676 67 77
St George's Cathedral
St George's Cathedral
St George's Cathedral, overlooking Piran from the hill above the town centre and offering a view over three countries, is the largest church building in town.
Adamičeva ulica 3, 6330 Piran
+386 (05) 673 34 40
The Baptistery of St John the Baptist
The Baptistery of St John the Baptist
The baptistery has an octagonal shape and represents the last addition to the church complex.
+386 (05) 673 34 40
Piran Civic Gallery
Piran Civic Gallery
Piran Civic Gallery plays an important role in the presentation of modern art.
Tartinijev trg 3, 6330 Piran
+386 (0)5 671 20 80
Herman Pečarič Gallery
Herman Pečarič Gallery
A collection of paintings, drawings, and prints that the artist Herman Pečarič left to the town of Piran.
Leninova 2, 6330 Piran
+386 (05) 671 20 80
Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum
Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum
Explore the historic roots of maritime activities in the region and their ties with the local economy.
Cankarjevo nabrežje 3, 6330 Piran
+386 (0)5 671 00 40
Museum of Underwater Activities
Museum of Underwater Activities
The museum will take you back in time to show you the lives of the early divers and submariners.

Župančičeva 24, 6330 Piran
+386 (0)41 685 379
Piran Aquarium
Piran Aquarium

Meet the various creatures that inhabit the waters around the Slovene coast.

Kidričevo nabrežje 4, 6330 Piran
+386 (0)5 673 25 72
Magical World of Shells
Magical World of Shells
Here, you can admire the shell of the world's biggest snail.
Tartinijev trg 15, 6330 piran
+386 40 840 186
Tartini’s Birth House
Tartini’s Birth House
See musicians valuable items.
kajuhova ulica 12, 6330 Piran
+386 (0)41 671 297
Town Hall
Town Hall
Its most distinctive feature is the immured stone statue of a lion holding an open book, a memento of the Venetian Serenissima Republic and the previous town hall building.
Tartinijev trg 2, 6330 Piran
Venetian House
Venetian House
The most beautiful example of Venetian Gothic architecture in Piran.
Ulica IX. korpusa 2, 6330 Piran
+386 41 681 845
Tartini Square
Tartini Square
Wondering why the square has the shape of an ellipse?
Tartinijev trg, 6330 Piran
Tartini Monument
Tartini Monument
The statue is the work of the Venetian sculptor Antonio dal Zotto.
Tartinijev trg, 6330 Piran
Mediadom Pyrhani
Mediadom Pyrhani
Are you interested in the history of Piran, do you want to know more about the reason for its distinctive shape?
Kumarjeva ulica 3, 6330 Piran
+386 30 703 110
Piran's cultural treasures

Piran's cultural treasures

All the cultural paths are collected in the handy brochure with a map. You can download the brochure for free and begin exploring immediately.
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