9 Family tomb - Portorož - Piran
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Na sprehodu s Tartinijem

When Giuseppe's wife Elisabetta died in 1769, he chose for her a tomb in the Paduan church of St Catherine (Santa Caterina). He did that because they lived near the church and because St Catherine was the patron saint of scholars. Therefore Tartini thought of himself as a scholar. Although he never officially graduated, he was a master of music theory, excelled in mathematics and physics, and discovered the so-called third tone. When a year later, on 26 February 1770, he too died, he was buried next to his wife.

The Minorites in Piran bestowed on the Tartini family a tomb in the main part of the church of St Francis where all members of the Tartini family who lived in Piran are buried. They were given the tomb because the father Giovanni Antonio was a patron and great supporter of the Minorite monastery of St Francis. According to Franciscanian rule, the family name was not allowed to be pointed out as a sign of humbleness. Monks ordered the inscription to be carved in 1992 upon the third centenary of the artist’s birth.